what I’m working on now: I’m working on a new novel, tentatively titled The Truth About Gossip and a new dating book. Both will be out in 2009.
how I became a writer: I’m pretty sure I was born one (although, I may have been brainwashed while in the womb – my Grandma Vernie always said she wanted a writer in the family.) That said, there’s a bit of distance between having the ability to put words together and actually making a living from it. I recommend that anyone wanting to write books starts by getting the best writing job you can swing (newspaper, magazine, advertising copywriter) where you are surrounded by, and hopefully supervised by, writers who are far better than you are. Learn everything you can.
about writer’s block: I don’t believe in it. Some days I write crap, and some days writing is blissful, smooth and easy. What separates working writers from wannabe writers is sticking it out, getting it done, whether your muse is on vacation or not.
how I found my agent: My first agent found me. I found my current agent, Jenny Bent at Trident, after a long process of researching the agents and agencies representing my favorite authors in my genre. (Yes, I basically scoured the acknowledgments sections of my favorite books in my genre.) I made a list of five “dream agents” and Jenny Bent was on that list. She read my manuscript and loved it, a few days later she was my agent.
My favorite writers: Anything by Jane Austen, Delia Ephron, Nora Ephron, Jennifer Weiner, Sophie Kinsella, Oscar Wilde, Jane Green. I loved Freakonomics for the writing. I love Eats, Shoots and Leaves for the punctuation stickers in the back. Liberating Paris by Linda Bloodworth Thomason was a revelation, and Michael Alvear, Lisa Earle McLeod and Lenore Skenazy crack me up.